Friday, July 3, 2009

I ain't no forunate one...

Ever seen this?:
Makes you think, right?

Here's my list:

- Learn how to play more instruments...
- Be published , tell everyone my story...
- Write more, draw more, paint more, create more...
- Do something that makes me proud of myself...
- Change someone's life...
- Travel the world, dip my toes in every ocean, meet the people of the world...
- Be with me best friends more, mostly when I travel, share the learning of new things with them...
- Go back to school...
- Learn sign language...
- Help someone who is helpless...
- Work with children who have addicts for parents...
- Forgive my mother...
- Spend time with my family and create more memories...
- Sit alone somewhere, reflect, have no doubts/regrets...
- Contribute to finding cures for diseases, even if it means just donating money...
- Enjoy more music, live, recorded...
- Take pictures of everything..
- Live somewhere where I don't speak the native language...
- Have a nervous breakdown, things might get clearer after that...
- Meet someone who has impacted my life indirectly...
- Fall in love and have someone love me back, learn to love myself...
- Have my dream wedding, with all my friends and family there, have the perfect first dance...
- Learn how to be a better communicator...
- Meet my father...
- Make amends to all those I've hurt in the process of trying to find myself...
- Watch my children play in my grandparents yard that I grew up in, watch them laugh, watch them grow, feel the first time I can unconditionally love something...
- Have a successful career in a field I find fulfilling , feel validated...
- Send my kids to college...
- Watch more films...
- Finish War & Peace, never forget how reading Tolstoy makes you feel...
- Feel accepted culturally...
- Enjoy the silence...
- Own a house, have property be completely mine...
- Age gracefully with someone...
- Sky dive, Bungee jump, do something that takes guts...
- Say goodbye to something and truly let it go...
- Find happiness in something, someone, somewhere I didn't expect...

I guess I better get started...

What's on your list?